The Want It​​


Want It Foundation​

Our CREED: "To Thine Own Self, Be True"


The ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​WANT IT FOUNDATION 
is A GOAL ORIENTED RECOVERY PROGRAM, designed to empower it's participants in a manner that will allow them to set and achieve short and long term goals, which will grant them the opportunity to become productive members of society.
​​​​Our Main Purpose: To Help Individuals Gain and Mantain a Life of Sobriety and Become self Sufficient. 
Interview with Dr. Linda Wilson sharing about her experience as a police officer, her battle with drugs and her recovery. Now she is the proud owner of As she says "You got to want it in order to change your life.
Dr. Linda Wilson
I am Linda Pearl Harden- Wilson.  I grew up in the mean streets of west Dallas, where drugs, and crime were the “norm.” I attended Elementary, Middle and High school in the area known to be contaminated by the now infamous “Murphy Metals Lead Smelter.’ I came up in the era where Black life didn’t matter. Where living in a house meant you had to fight regularly with the kids who lived in the housing project. Although I had both parents and 6 siblings that lived in our home, nothing and no one could protect me from the streets and from myself.

I served as a police officer for the city of Fort Worth, Texas.  I watched beatings and abuse of minorities, and I didn’t have a voice. I have been to hell, more than once, and only with God’s grace have I survived this thing called “LIFE.” I have endured time in prison, drug addiction and even being raped by a police officer.   I continue to witness injustices daily with the legal system that’s in place. The difference is…

Now I have a voice. I have a platform and a forum. I refuse to continue to be a part of the problem. I am now part of the solution. I realize that I made it through the storms of life for a reason. That reason is to empower, inspire, and educate others. My goal is to make a difference. 

I have a Doctors degree in Counseling. However, as a former drug-addict, my passion is Recovery. Some things have changed. When I was on drugs, I was classified as a criminal, and sent to prison.  There was no real treatment. But, now addiction is classified as a disease. There are programs that offer some realistic help and sustainable sobriety. I am proof that recovery is possible, and there is hope!  Recovery is attainable,
if you WANT IT!